Our generation needs a new approach, one that that makes us feel fully wild and alive, strong and empowered, right now and long into our futures. We understand our wisdom and our power and we’re choosing not to become invisible nor buy into the current narrative that disregards middle aged and older women. We have so much to offer, so much to say and so much to do.
There’s an incredible menopause revolution happening, and it’s happening right now. A revolution coming from the current generation of super empowered peri-menopausal women . We’re the women who danced in fields all night long , who dreamed of living in a better world, who stepped up and demanded equality, insisted on change and made it happen.
And now in our 40’s and 50’s, we, the dreamers and creators of change , find ourselves going through “The Change.” It is an exciting and liberating time. A time where women are no longer silent and fearful of aging and are speaking out about their experiences, speaking up for their rights and demanding support and understanding in the workplace.
We are saying yes to new alternatives over soul numbing anti – depressants, we are concerned at the risks of HRT ,we want to go through this natural process of the menopause, fully empowered and tooled up with the knowledge needed to support our bodies while still being able to keep the plates spinning and get stuff done
How can I help
Nature’s way is my way. I’m an experienced Naturopathic Nutrition Therapist, a Homeopath, a qualified teacher, raw food chef and retreat facilitator.
My approach is to address the underlying balances in the body at a cellular level using the potent phytochemicals available to us in plants and natural foods, herbs and supplements. The treatments I offer encourage the natural healing mechanisms to kick in to create hormonal harmony, vitality and rejuvenation of the whole body using powerful naturopathic approaches that cause no harm ,and importantly create no extra toxic load on an already challenged system.
Why Me?
I’m a peri menopausal woman. My decision to specialise in this area is borne out of my own experience of this stage in my own health . Its been quite a ride . One that I was absolutely not prepared for despite years of training ,and it’s been challenging to find information that is useful.
I’ve immersed myself in it, waded through book after book, taken many courses and learned as much as possible. This website is my offering and my dream to create a brilliant resource for other women journeying through this life altering stage .
I work with women not only on the physical level , I also address deeper mental and emotional levels to allow women to explore this time of powerful change and soul awakening .
Today’s women have an important job to do as we step into the next phase of our lives . We have a planet to protect and the world needs wise powerful women in a way perhaps like never before .
My Credentials
- 2012 – 2018 – Director of Shine on Sister CIC
- 2012 – PGCE Degree in teaching
- 2007- 2010 Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma CNM
- 2000- 2005 Homeopathy Diploma NWCH
- 1997 – 1999 – Degree in counselling and complementary health)
- 1995- 1996- Diploma counselling and therapeutic arts
I am fully insured with Balens insurance no
Professional Bodies
I am a member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners