Work with me over a three month period to make a huge difference in your health and well being.
This is the chance to examine carefully all aspects of your life and your health and make comprehensive supported changes that will change everything, During this time you will have 6 sessions with me plus a weekly check in . I will create a large personalized portfolio of recipes for you and support you if you need help working with new ingredients.
You will have personalized treatment plans to follow and where necessary supplement protocols to follow . I will prescribe other modalities of treatment as and where necessary to support the healing process.
I will lead you through a cleanse and reset during this period , I will help you to get your body moving in a way that suits you, you will learn how to take deep nurturing care of your body so that you can maintain great levels of health.
We will go deep, deep in and look at what is driving any of your symptoms, we will journey back to when you were well and what happened to create illness in your system.